Friday, November 22, 2019

Changing of Fashion styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Changing of Fashion styles - Essay Example The essay "Changing of Fashion styles" explores the fashion trends and styles and their changing. To see how these general considerations apply in reality, we may turn our attention to a phenomenon with which all the Western societies have been increasingly preoccupied during the last couple of centuries, and the significance of which grew in the twentieth century to the level when this phenomenon turned into the most powerful fetish of modernity. This profound phenomenon is fashion, and aside from its elevated status this field of human creativity by means of the continual changing of fashion styles perhaps in the most persuasive way serves as a manifesto of the constant change as a slogan of humanity. However, it is my firm belief that the transience of fashion has its deep roots that connect it with some fundamental qualities of the social structure we are living in. With these considerations in mind, let us on the example of the continual changing of fashion styles try to take a closer look at the interplay of the promise of identity reinforcement that fashion apparently offers and the notion of obsolescence as its inevitable hidden companion that may in the end turn out to be the real driving force behind fashion as such. That fashion has since its inception been involved into the process of creation and confirmation of personal and social identities of people can be understood from the very definitions of both these terms. Indeed, we can define identity as a set of individual.

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